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gsbNX The 2009 Macau Asian Cities Invitational Gateball Tounament
The TounamentThe winner is a junior team of China.
High school players participate in from Japan.

A young player of winner's team shows"stepping over strike."
Japanese high school team(red team) fights against Macau team.

Junior players who showsmile by victory ceremony

Some Japanese high-schoolplayer is a little nervous in hisstroke.

Japanese highschool players with their teacher(left)
MACAO CHINA GATEBALL ASSOCIATION heldthe 2009 Macau Asian Cities InvitationalGateball Tounament on Nov. 16-18 at Macau. Atotal of 48 teams participated in : 8 local teamsfrom Macau, , 2 from Singapore, 2 from India ,7from Hong Kong, 1 from Chinese Taipei, 25from China and 3 from Japan. The preliminary games were held by round-robin style by five teams at a court. The topteam from each court then played intournament to decide the champion team.The winner was a Chinese Junior team. TheirGB skill, the slide touch and long touch bystroke on stepping-over attracted watchingpeople's attention. 2nd is a Hong kong team.The victory ceremony and the farewell partywere held on the final day. About 500people (players, directors and referee staff)joined the ceremony. The participationcommemoration cup was presented fromMACAO CHINA GATEBALL ASSOCIATIONsponsoring to overseas teams.

Opening ceremony

At the farewell party, Japanese players exchange friendship with an overseas junior players.

Opening ceremony by directors in each country and region

16 participants from Japan