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Carry out the International Referee Qualification Examination & the National Referee Qualification Examination at the same time
4 International Referee are born.


Canadian GB Federation carried out the International Referee Examination on September 29-30 in Richmond City. Canadian GB Federation held National Referee Examination at the same time. 60-70 years old player challenged. They eagerly learned rules and referee course for 3 months. As a result 4 international referee and 20 national referee were born.

The commemoration international game on the 20th Canadian GB Federation establishment anniversary is scheduled for next year.
Ms. Fujishima, Chairperson said “We are expecting many Japanese teams. And let's promote GB together in Canada.”

Exam. was held at the church that has beautiful lawn garden.
Ms. Fujishima, Chairperson of Canadian Gateball Federation explains the examination process to candidates.
Candidates of National Referee take exam. of the procedures of the Chief and Assistant Referee.
Candidates of earnest Attitude.
International Referees & the National Referees in Canada