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The 4th Jeju-do Mayer's Cup International GB games
- South Korea, China, Chinese Taipei and Japan - 4
countries and regions participate in, and show technological levels of GB each other.


South Korea 2

 South Korea team VS Japan South Korea team VS Japan  

This tournament was held on November 4 in Jeju- island, South Korea, where WGU held “2008 the 9th world GB Championships.”

Besides local Korean 53 teams, a total of 64 teams, 386 players from Japan 8, China 1, Chinese Taipei 2 took partin.

The opening ceremony and the welcome party were on Nov. 4th.
The preliminary league started on Nov. 5th.
The final league on Nov.6th was divided into 2 groups. The winner was South Korean team.
Local teams got all prizes as a result.

South Korean GB skill seems getting up and is spreading wide among middle-aged players.

Japanese 6 teams ( 6 from Hyougo pref. , 2 from Tokyo pref.)
Japanese 6 teams ( 6 from Hyougo pref. , 2 from Tokyo pref.)

South Korea referees show good skills and gesture.
South Korea referees show good skills and gesture.
The court is artificial lawn court repared in February this year.
The court is artificial lawn court repared in February this year.
 South Korea teams took all prizes.
South Korea teams took all prizes.