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"The 1st Bali international GB Competition "
University students and the middle aged team in Bali VS Japan teams !

The game of Udayana university team VS  Badung( won the championship) The game of Udayana university team VS Badung( won the championship)   College woman player in Bali, her team takes 3rd placeCollege woman player in Bali, her team takes 3rd place
The high school student trained as referee , judges the game.
The high school student trained as referee , judges the game.
Young female player who participated from Jogyakarta, Java Island.Young female player who participated from Jogyakarta, Java Island.   From Left, From Left, Mr. Oka Putra, Chairman of Partisan Bali GB Club Mr. Sushira, Chairman of Bali Sport association Mr. Eddy Mulya , Vice Mayor of Denpasar Mr. Endo, Managing Director of WGU Mr. Antara, Chairman of Bali GB association(right)
Releasing Balloon by guests and directors.  Ites opening ceremony in Bali.Releasing Balloon by guests and directors. It's opening ceremony in Bali.   GB equipments are donated in the opening ceremony. GB equipments are donated in the opening ceremony.

The Partisan Gateball Club belonging to the Bali Gateball Association held the 1st Bali International Gateball Competition in Denpasar City as a famous resort on March7-8. Two Japan teams participated in.
It extends from Bali Island where the gateball is only spread in Indonesia to Java Island.
Teams participated in the Competition from capital Jakarta and Jogyakarta located in the Java Island.
The Competition divided 20 teams into four groups.
The preliminary league games were done by five teams, and high-ranking 4 teams in each group advanced to the final tournament.
Though Japan teams passed the preliminary league, they were defeated respectively by the 2nd round and the 3rd round.
Badung of Bali to which the player who was on the register in the team that splendidly got 8 prize by the 2nd Asia Gateball Championships in 1996 belonged, got the victory, and the other Bali teams monopolized upper prizes.

There are about 500 GB players in Indonesia now.

University students and the middle aged players can have been seen now, and a technological GB level is also high. If they acquire the strategy power, they can be more good players.
It is scheduled that the joining to World Gateball Union is put in view, and the spread is attempted in not only Bali and the Java Island but also Indonesian whole land in the future.
After a game, Japanese team (right) shakes hands with a Bali team each other.
After a game, Japanese team (right) shakes hands with a Bali team each other.

Badung of Bali wins the championships.Badung of Bali wins the championships.   Japan teams that organized from Hiroshima, Tokyo, Saitama and HokkaidoJapan teams that organized from Hiroshima, Tokyo, Saitama and Hokkaido