Gateball Open Tournaments


Swiss International Gateball Championship 

Gateballers from nine countries/regions participated


The Swiss Gateball Association (SGA) held the Swiss international Gateball Championship in Geneva, Switzerland, 5-7 July 2019 on the lawns of the CERN Croquet Club.


This international championship is the very first one organized by the SGA after which had joined the World Gateball Union.  26 Gateballers from Australia, Belgium, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, South Africa, Chinese Taipei and United Kingdom as well as Switzerland made up five teams and played.

Swiss team and Japan team

Europe team and Australian team

Players came into Geneva on the first day, a practice day and gateballers practiced very eagerly. The following two days had the round-robin. The winner was the team Tokyo which had four wins and no defeat throughout the two day event.

The victor Team Tokyo from Japan and Mr. David Underhill, SGA Chairman at the center

Swiss team

Europe and Australia team

Europe and Asia team

Sakura team from Japan with Mr. David Underhill at the center

After the end of the second day a barbecue party was held and on the final night, there was a dinner party at a restaurant near Lake Geneva.
